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Updated: Dec 10, 2019

Between the compass reading of 67.6 degrees and 112.5 degrees lies the East sector.

Each year, the Flying Star systems goes on a rotational system and every sector undergoes a shift of energies, some good, others that require some attention.

Come the Year of the Metal Rat, beginning from 4th February 2020, the number 5 Star finds its way to the East sector of every space, home and office.

At times manifesting and known metaphorically as the 'Five Ghosts', the fundamentals of this star is associated with honesty, purity and righteousness. The Five Yellow is also said to be representative of the 'Emperor Star'.

Whatever its origin, this star is undoubtedly of high status and much authority. It is therefore respected as one which cannot tolerate any nonsense and disturbances.

The number 5 star is Earth element in nature.

In 2020, it comes and occupy the East sector which is Wood elementally.

Wood controls Earth and thus the resultant cannot be expected to be friendly. Imagine a star of 'Emperor' status being a guest to a place that is not only hostile but challenging to take control over this visitor.

This can be translated as the East sector to be one of struggle, resistance, physical confrontations, unhappiness, show of power and regional politics, involving unwilling participating neighbors.

In a micro level, try and map out where your East sector is within the home or office. You can do this by importing your home floor plan and plot over the 24 mountain compass over it.

Once determined, the East sector must be best kept quiet and most importantly, not have any form of fire and open flames there, be it a candle nor any incense. From the end of 2019, when the energies are transiting, the East sector must not experience any renovations, hammering, hacking, drilling nor any consistent movements of fixtures. Obviously, if you are drumming and banging away with your loud bass speakers on your computer games, you may want to shift this activities somewhere else.

Past experiences have shown that when the this Misfortune Star, as it is sometimes called, is activated through such activities, unfortunate strings of events follow very swiftly. They include sudden illnesses, accidents, quarrels, relationship issues, business failures, financial disasters and many other consequential losses.

By December 2019, one should already plan to demarcate the East sector of the home and office and prepare it to be cleaned and reserved for quiet activities. Remove all active water such as fountains and aquariums as well as standing fans and purifiers.

Having said this, it does not mean that one should totally avoid using this space which could potentially be a room or dining area. Remember that you control your space, not the other way around.

The solution ?

Use heavy metal to pacify the Earth energy. Get a 5 Kg metal exercise weights and put it in a corner. Alternatively, the traditional method of hanging a pair of the ancient copper Six Emperors' Coins by the window ends will do the trick.

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

Are You affected and what should You do about it ?

Each year is characterized by a zodiac sign in the Chinese calendar system. Come 4th February 2020, the Year of the Metal Rat begins.

In most Chinese households around the world, the New Year is welcomed with with as much trepidation as it is for the celebrations that comes with it. It is the much feared idea that groups of people who are born in certain zodiac years are said to be 'in conflict' against the Grand Duke of the year, thereby bring along with it, obstacles and even misfortunes.

This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood concept of the Lunar New Year and the energies surrounding it.

The idea of the Grand Duke of the year stems from the belief that a governing deity takes charge of administering the period and thus are endowed with the power to award, reward and mete out punishments to those who are in breach of given rules.

In a rotational system, 2020 belongs to the Year of the Rat and thus there exists a relationship factor between the ruling deity and the affected zodiac signs, more specifically, people born with certain zodiac years.

Not all that are in the list will be negatively affected only if they are aware of what is to come and how one is able to manage it. Certainly, not all who are affected by the influences of the Grand Duke of the year will be accosted with all things negative.

For example, people who are born in the years of the Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 2006) are said to 'offend' the Grand Duke. The impact may make these people feel overly confident and emotional over trivial matters but it does not stop the Rats from succeeding in life in 2020 because the other positive stars far outweigh this 'offense'.

As a general rule, the zodiac opposite the Rat, which happens to be people born in Horse years (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002) should feel the brunt of this 'clash'. You should also watch out if your are born in the month of June and between the hours between 11 am and 1 pm.

Having said this, one must also understand the effect caused by such a 'clash'. The Rat, being a strong Water element clashing into the Fire element of the Horse, are likely to bring about over-reaction and dramatic reflexes. It also points situations evidently expressed and disagreements spilling into physical aggression.

This is a summary of what the rest of the zodiacs, namely the Goat, Rabbit and Rooster can be affected by the Year of the Metal Rat. Understand its direct influence, manage it and you will be able to circumvent the potential challenges.

A detailed understanding requires an analysis of your Destiny chart by a professional consultant because the elements within are further expressed into various aspects of your life, work, career, business, relationships and much more.

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

A traditional but no less significant practice among Chinese around the world centers around the choice of dates and time to start work after the long and well deserved break in the Chinese calendar. This also serve for our own holiday plans.

The Lunar New Year (called the Chinese New Year) which falls on 25 January 2020 technically is still in the Year of the Earth Pig because the Year of the Metal Rat arrives on the Day of Spring (4 February 2020 at around 5.05 pm).

This points to an important factor in the choice of auspicious dates to start work during this period. It disqualifies 27 January 2020 as auspicious because this day is a Earth Snake Day which makes it a Year Breaker Day, an absolute No for major events.

While some may differ, this tradition is carried with levels of seriousness within the Chinese communities.

The reason and symbolism attached to the choice to start work on an auspicious date is so that the person, business or entity doing so captures the essence of the day connected to that same person or business. It is an opportunity to start the year (Lunar Calendar based) with optimism, fresh hopes, renewed connecting energies, harmony and promises of abundance.

While much is spoken of the choice of dates, little is said of what is to be done.

For individuals and employees, choose a date listed in here and avoid the clashes against your own zodiac. To find out, go to plot your own chart and you see if you have the clash in the Year | Month | Day weighted in that sequence.

For individuals and employees, step into the office at that given date and time. Settle in your desk or office room. I assume you would have a desk cleaned of clutter before you go for your Lunar New Year break. Make a hot cup of traditional Red Dates Tea (easy substitute is anything hot from your coffee joint), go with the traditional Chinese New Year cake (easy substitute is anything sweet and savory). Turn on your desk fan or a low tune from the radio on the computer so as to activate the energies at that point in time. Most importantly, the act that completes it all - send out a work-related email and there ! You have officially start work on the positive right note.

For business owners, the big bang is to invite in the Lion Dance troupe. Electrify the work premise with an atmosphere of energy. It is also customary for bosses on this day to reward workers with an auspicious red packet, a token with a customary amount of cash, to harmonize and bind the force together and embark on the new year with new directions and the best of results.

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