2020 A Year for Change
The Three Killings stars and how you should manage them
One 'SHA-QI' that Feng Shui masters forget.
Handle the East Sector with extreme care in 2020
2020 Tai-Sui | Grand Duke
Auspicious Start Work Dates after the Lunar New Year 2020
Raising the bar on Feng Shui Talks
Character | Personality | A BAZI perspective
Time is your most precious Resource
‘Energies of the Dragon are carried by the winds and collect at the boundary of water’
Your Personal Forecast for 2020 Year of Metal Rat
Road to Financial Success - Avoid the 'No Wealth Days'
There are no Trade Secrets in Feng Shui
'Death and Emptiness' Lines in Feng Shui
Talk at Jakarta Property Expo 2019
Being Your Own Boss
The Best of You is in Your Bazi Chart
Embrace Technology The Feng Shui Way
2020 Chinese Almanac Zodiac Stars
The Florence Residences